The Titanic 'Switch' Theory: Exposed

About the author

The author and website designer, Dan Parkes, is based in Brighton, the United Kingdom. He has been researching the Titanic and especially the ship's officers, since the late 1980s when his interest began with the building of a large scale cardboard model of the ship. Since then he has formed a large collection of books and memorabilia.

After the release of James Cameron's film in 1997 he took a particular interest in the controversy surrounding the portrayal of First Officer William Murdoch and decided to launch an impartial investigation into his life and the mystery surrounding his death which resulted in a website (

This website is in honour of the 1,496 people who died during the Titanic disaster, and of the wreck of the ship that remains on the North Atlantic ocean floor. Let us honour the memory of those lost and respect the wreck by ensuring the truth about such commercially exploitive farbrications as the 'switch' theory is rightfully exposed. Please bookmark and share this website so that we can finally 'switch' off the insulting 'switch' theory.

In his day job he is a camera operator/Director of Photography and alternatively can be contacted via his website here now to find out more.

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The author considers this a work in progress and any corrections, additions and general, constructive feedback to help further this research is much appreciated.